Setting up a company in Mauritius

Setting up a company in Mauritius is an ideal choice for those seeking a stable, tax-friendly environment. The benefits of setting up a company in Mauritius include its strategic location, robust regulatory framework, and attractive fiscal incentives. Relocate Mauritius has partnered with trusted service providers in Mauritius, allowing us to assist in the setting up of companies, including offshore companies. We can introduce reliable management companies in Mauritius, banks, legal advisors, and other service providers. 

Contact us or our partner, Register Company Mauritius directly to learn more.

Types of Companies in Mauritius

To set up a company in Mauritius, choose on of the following structures:

  1. Global Business Company (GBC): GBCs offer a favorable tax regime, flexibility in operations and management, and access to double taxation agreements.

  2. Authorised Company: Authorised Companies are designed for entities operating in regulated sectors such as banking, insurance, and investment management, requiring regulatory approvals from the Financial Services Commission.

  3. Domestic Company: Domestic Companies are suitable for businesses primarily focused on the Mauritian market and are subject to local tax regulations.

Documents Required for Company Set-Up

The documents requirements for setting up a company in Mauritius generally include:

  1. Know Your Customer Documentation: Detailed information on directors, shareholders, beneficial owners, and source of funds to verify identity and legitimacy.

  2. Company Business Plan: A comprehensive business plan outlining the company’s objectives, strategies, financial projections, and target markets.

  3. Regulatory Approvals: For certain business activities, additional licenses or approvals from the Financial Services Commission may be required.

Company Set-Up Process

The company set-up process in Mauritius typically involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation with a Management Company: Working with a reputable management company provides expert guidance and assistance throughout the formation process.

  2. Company Name Approval: Checking name availability and reserving the desired company name with the Registrar of Companies.

  3. Application for Incorporation: Submitting a duly completed incorporation form along with the required documentation and fees.

  4. Issuance of Certificate of Incorporation: Upon approval, the Registrar of Companies issues the Certificate of Incorporation, formally establishing the company.

Cost Considerations

The costs to set up a company in Mauritius vary depending on the chosen structure and the complexity of the business operations. Generally, domestic companies are the most cost-effective option, while GBCs and Authorised Companies may incur additional fees due to licensing requirements and ongoing maintenance costs.

Timeline for Company Set-Up

The timeframe for creating a company in Mauritius depends on the chosen structure:

  1. Domestic Company: Domestic Companies can be established within a few days.

  2. Global Business Company (GBC): GBC formation typically takes 4-6 weeks, including the onboarding of an offshore bank account.

  3. Authorised Company: Authorised Companies may require additional time due to the regulatory approvals involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to set up a company in Mauritius?

Domestic companies offer cost-effective registration options, while Global Business Companies or Authorised Companies may involve additional expenses, including setup fees, management fees, and licensing fees. Contact us for more information on the costs associated with setting up a company in Mauritius.

2. What are the requirements to open a company in Mauritius?

To open a company in Mauritius, certified copies of passport and recent proof of address for every director, shareholder, and beneficial owner are needed. A business plan explaining activities, operations, financial projections, and source of funds is essential. Approval from the Registrar of Companies, management company, bank, and potentially the Financial Services Commission may also be necessary.

3. How do I set up a company in Mauritius?

To set up a company in Mauritius, work with a management company that specialises in company formation. They will guide you through the process, from submitting the documents to fulfilling regulatory requirements. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in setting up your company in Mauritius.

4. What are the benefits of opening a company in Mauritius?

The benefits of opening a company in Mauritius include access to double taxation treaties, a favourable business environment, and opportunities for tax optimisation. Mauritius offers various company types, each with its own advantages, suitable for different business purposes. Learn more about the specific benefits of setting up a company in Mauritius.

What We Can Do For You

We are a team of immigration experts and relocation advisors in Mauritius that can help you with all aspects of the company set-up process. Our team of dedicated professionals is well-versed in the Mauritian regulatory landscape and will guide you through every step, from selecting the right management company to obtaining the necessary licenses and permits. Whether you are setting up a domestic company or navigating the intricacies of global business licenses, we are here to provide comprehensive support and ensure compliance at every stage.

We begin by understanding your business goals and aspirations, enabling us to provide personalised guidance and recommendations. We will then handle all the administrative tasks, from preparing the required documentation to liaising with the relevant authorities, freeing up your time to focus on the strategic aspects of your business